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AI - Artificial Intelligence is here. It's the best time for any writer to master AI tools and take advantage of emerging technology. How? Well, you're already at the right place! This is the best course to learn about humanizing AI-generated content!

If you don't upgrade, someone who does will replace you. Worse, AI can replace you.

This course aims to empower beginner writers to take up writing while using available FREE AI tools. And help experienced writers adapt and leverage this new, powerful technology.

The philosophy of this course is to use AI as a tool - not as a replacement for human writing. Because after all, we write for other human beings - not machines or algorithms. With this approach, we can produce more content and using the method shown in this course, we can humanize it to maintain or even improve the quality. The result is increased writing efficiency and a reduction in time and effort put in per article.

How is this course different from other generative AI courses?

Most of the courses available on the internet discuss the idea of generating content using AI - such as blogs, poems, e-books, and more. In this course, we go a step beyond. We cover how to generate content using AI, but more importantly, how to edit and make it human.

How is this course designed?

As you can see in the course content, there are 4 sections:

  1. Before We Start:
    We discuss the philosophy of this course, the pros and cons of using AI for writing, the importance of having a personal writing style and how to develop one, and finally, the areas we need to monitor to improve AI content.

  2. Writing with AI:
    We understand 2 key factors of prompt engineering, the process of using AI to find niches and topics to write about, then create an outline, discuss the importance of having your own outline as well, learn about SEO, and finally, the process of using AI for writing.

  3. Editing and Humanizing:
    In perhaps the most important section, we learn about the process of humanizing AI-generated content, improving its readability - making the text easier to read and understand, check and correct the grammar, and finally, create and analyze a title that works.

  4. It's Only the Beginning:
    As we come to the end of this journey, it's time to put the knowledge to good use and boost your text. We discuss the many possibilities of content you can create using the method we discussed in this course - blogs, articles, stories, poems, e-books, and so much more.

Excited to take your writing to the next level? Join this course NOW and get ahead of the competition!

I'll see you in the course!

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AI - Artificial Intelligence is here. It's the best time for any writer to master AI tools and take advantage of emerging technology. How? Well, you're already at the right place! This is the best course to learn about humanizing AI-generated content!

If you don't upgrade, someone who does will replace you. Worse, AI can replace you.

This course aims to empower beginner writers to take up writing while using available FREE AI tools. And help experienced writers adapt and leverage this new, powerful technology.

The philosophy of this course is to use AI as a tool - not as a replacement for human writing. Because after all, we write for other human beings - not machines or algorithms. With this approach, we can produce more content and using the method shown in this course, we can humanize it to maintain or even improve the quality. The result is increased writing efficiency and a reduction in time and effort put in per article.

How is this course different from other generative AI courses?

Most of the courses available on the internet discuss the idea of generating content using AI - such as blogs, poems, e-books, and more. In this course, we go a step beyond. We cover how to generate content using AI, but more importantly, how to edit and make it human.

How is this course designed?

As you can see in the course content, there are 4 sections:

  1. Before We Start:
    We discuss the philosophy of this course, the pros and cons of using AI for writing, the importance of having a personal writing style and how to develop one, and finally, the areas we need to monitor to improve AI content.

  2. Writing with AI:
    We understand 2 key factors of prompt engineering, the process of using AI to find niches and topics to write about, then create an outline, discuss the importance of having your own outline as well, learn about SEO, and finally, the process of using AI for writing.

  3. Editing and Humanizing:
    In perhaps the most important section, we learn about the process of humanizing AI-generated content, improving its readability - making the text easier to read and understand, check and correct the grammar, and finally, create and analyze a title that works.

  4. It's Only the Beginning:
    As we come to the end of this journey, it's time to put the knowledge to good use and boost your text. We discuss the many possibilities of content you can create using the method we discussed in this course - blogs, articles, stories, poems, e-books, and so much more.

Excited to take your writing to the next level? Join this course NOW and get ahead of the competition!

I'll see you in the course!

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  • 意思決定の質の向上

  • 分析的な思考の強化

  • コミュニケーション能力の向上

  • 創造性の促進





レッスン1 ロジカルシンキングとは何かと重要性を学ぶ

レッスン2 ロジカルシンキングの基本的な思考法を学ぶ

レッスン3 ロジカルシンキングの具体的な技術・方法と実践を学ぶ

レッスン4 継続学習の方法・鍛え方を学ぶ



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  • 意思決定の質の向上

  • 分析的な思考の強化

  • コミュニケーション能力の向上

  • 創造性の促進





レッスン1 ロジカルシンキングとは何かと重要性を学ぶ

レッスン2 ロジカルシンキングの基本的な思考法を学ぶ

レッスン3 ロジカルシンキングの具体的な技術・方法と実践を学ぶ

レッスン4 継続学習の方法・鍛え方を学ぶ




Welcome to the exciting world of book content writing with artificial intelligence!

Whether you are an aspiring author, a seasoned writer, or simply someone looking to learn the craft of writing, this course will help you hone your skills and unleash your creativity.

In this comprehensive course, we will explore a variety of genres, including picture stories, consistent character stories, recipe books, self-help books, coloring books, and journals with artificial intelligence.

Each of these genres requires a unique approach, and we will delve deep into the specific techniques and strategies needed to create compelling and engaging content. For example, in the picture story section of the course, we will examine how to craft visually stunning and entertaining stories. We will explore techniques such as the use of dialogue, the importance of pacing, and the creation of memorable characters that will capture the reader's imagination.

In the consistent character story section of the course, we will examine how to create characters that are relatable and memorable, and how to develop a story arc that keeps readers engaged from beginning to end. In the recipe book section, we will learn how to write recipes that are clear, concise, and easy to follow, while also adding personal touches that make them unique and engaging.

In the self-help book section of the course, we will delve into the art of writing motivational and inspirational books. We will examine how to communicate complex ideas simply and effectively, how to engage readers emotionally, and how to craft a narrative that inspires people to take action.

In the coloring book section of the course, we will explore how to write content that is both fun and educational, while also creating designs that are visually stunning and engaging. We will examine the use of color, the importance of the theme, and how to create designs that are easy to color yet challenging enough to keep readers engaged.

Finally, in the journal creation with artificial intelligence section of the course, we will explore how to incorporate the latest advancements in AI technology into journal writing. We will learn how to use AI algorithms to personalize journal entries, provide insights and recommendations based on user data, and create a more engaging and interactive experience for readers.

Throughout the course, you will have access to various resources, including interactive exercises, quizzes, and peer review opportunities. You will also receive feedback and guidance from experienced writers and editors who will help you develop your skills and improve your writing.

So, if you are ready to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and creative expression, then, start this comprehensive course on book content writing and designing with artificial intelligence. Let's explore the art of writing together and unlock your full potential as a writer!


Welcome to the exciting world of book content writing with artificial intelligence!

Whether you are an aspiring author, a seasoned writer, or simply someone looking to learn the craft of writing, this course will help you hone your skills and unleash your creativity.

In this comprehensive course, we will explore a variety of genres, including picture stories, consistent character stories, recipe books, self-help books, coloring books, and journals with artificial intelligence.

Each of these genres requires a unique approach, and we will delve deep into the specific techniques and strategies needed to create compelling and engaging content. For example, in the picture story section of the course, we will examine how to craft visually stunning and entertaining stories. We will explore techniques such as the use of dialogue, the importance of pacing, and the creation of memorable characters that will capture the reader's imagination.

In the consistent character story section of the course, we will examine how to create characters that are relatable and memorable, and how to develop a story arc that keeps readers engaged from beginning to end. In the recipe book section, we will learn how to write recipes that are clear, concise, and easy to follow, while also adding personal touches that make them unique and engaging.

In the self-help book section of the course, we will delve into the art of writing motivational and inspirational books. We will examine how to communicate complex ideas simply and effectively, how to engage readers emotionally, and how to craft a narrative that inspires people to take action.

In the coloring book section of the course, we will explore how to write content that is both fun and educational, while also creating designs that are visually stunning and engaging. We will examine the use of color, the importance of the theme, and how to create designs that are easy to color yet challenging enough to keep readers engaged.

Finally, in the journal creation with artificial intelligence section of the course, we will explore how to incorporate the latest advancements in AI technology into journal writing. We will learn how to use AI algorithms to personalize journal entries, provide insights and recommendations based on user data, and create a more engaging and interactive experience for readers.

Throughout the course, you will have access to various resources, including interactive exercises, quizzes, and peer review opportunities. You will also receive feedback and guidance from experienced writers and editors who will help you develop your skills and improve your writing.

So, if you are ready to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and creative expression, then, start this comprehensive course on book content writing and designing with artificial intelligence. Let's explore the art of writing together and unlock your full potential as a writer!

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Bem-vindo ao curso "Estruturando Histórias com ChatGPT". Neste curso, você aprenderá a criar histórias envolventes com uma estrutura sólida, que irá cativar e prender a atenção dos leitores do início ao fim.

Meu nome é Jean  e eu sou professor de português e inglês. Focado totalmente na criação de narrativas. Isso sempre me cativou, por isso, resolvi ajudar as pessoas a conseguirem escrever suas próprias histórias. Uma oportunidade de trabalhar.

Além de fantasia, nós podemos usar a estruturação da história para textos comerciais e marketing. Que é o que pretendo fazer, ajudar a você enxergar tudo por trás de todas as histórias.

Ao longo deste curso, você irá aprender sobre os elementos fundamentais da estruturação de histórias, como enredo, personagens, cenários, pontos de virada e muito mais. Além disso, você também irá explorar como usar o ChatGPT, uma poderosa ferramenta de linguagem natural, para facilitar e aprimorar seu processo de escrita.

O ChatGPT é um modelo de linguagem de última geração que utiliza inteligência artificial para gerar textos de forma autônoma. Ao aprender a utilizar essa ferramenta, você será capaz de gerar ideias, aprimorar seus personagens e enredo, além de criar diálogos realistas e cativantes.

Além de ensinar como estruturar uma história e utilizar o ChatGPT, este curso também irá abordar temas como o desenvolvimento de personagens, a criação de conflitos, a importância do ritmo narrativo e muito mais.

Você aprenderá a criar personagens tridimensionais, com motivações e objetivos claros, que irão guiar a história e cativar os leitores. Além disso, você também irá aprender a criar conflitos e obstáculos que manterão a história emocionante e desafiadora.

Ao longo do curso, você irá explorar como trabalhar com o ritmo narrativo para criar histórias envolventes e dinâmicas, que prendam a atenção do leitor e o deixem ansioso para saber o que acontecerá a seguir. E com o ChatGPT, você poderá explorar diversas opções e ideias para aprimorar cada aspecto da história.

Combinando os elementos essenciais da estruturação de histórias com o poder do ChatGPT, este curso irá ajudá-lo a se tornar um escritor mais habilidoso e criativo, capaz de produzir histórias emocionantes e envolventes.

Então, vamos lá? Hora de virar Escritor!

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Bem-vindo ao curso "Estruturando Histórias com ChatGPT". Neste curso, você aprenderá a criar histórias envolventes com uma estrutura sólida, que irá cativar e prender a atenção dos leitores do início ao fim.

Meu nome é Jean  e eu sou professor de português e inglês. Focado totalmente na criação de narrativas. Isso sempre me cativou, por isso, resolvi ajudar as pessoas a conseguirem escrever suas próprias histórias. Uma oportunidade de trabalhar.

Além de fantasia, nós podemos usar a estruturação da história para textos comerciais e marketing. Que é o que pretendo fazer, ajudar a você enxergar tudo por trás de todas as histórias.

Ao longo deste curso, você irá aprender sobre os elementos fundamentais da estruturação de histórias, como enredo, personagens, cenários, pontos de virada e muito mais. Além disso, você também irá explorar como usar o ChatGPT, uma poderosa ferramenta de linguagem natural, para facilitar e aprimorar seu processo de escrita.

O ChatGPT é um modelo de linguagem de última geração que utiliza inteligência artificial para gerar textos de forma autônoma. Ao aprender a utilizar essa ferramenta, você será capaz de gerar ideias, aprimorar seus personagens e enredo, além de criar diálogos realistas e cativantes.

Além de ensinar como estruturar uma história e utilizar o ChatGPT, este curso também irá abordar temas como o desenvolvimento de personagens, a criação de conflitos, a importância do ritmo narrativo e muito mais.

Você aprenderá a criar personagens tridimensionais, com motivações e objetivos claros, que irão guiar a história e cativar os leitores. Além disso, você também irá aprender a criar conflitos e obstáculos que manterão a história emocionante e desafiadora.

Ao longo do curso, você irá explorar como trabalhar com o ritmo narrativo para criar histórias envolventes e dinâmicas, que prendam a atenção do leitor e o deixem ansioso para saber o que acontecerá a seguir. E com o ChatGPT, você poderá explorar diversas opções e ideias para aprimorar cada aspecto da história.

Combinando os elementos essenciais da estruturação de histórias com o poder do ChatGPT, este curso irá ajudá-lo a se tornar um escritor mais habilidoso e criativo, capaz de produzir histórias emocionantes e envolventes.

Então, vamos lá? Hora de virar Escritor!

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Have you ever wished you could write faster and more professionally? With Quillbot AI and this Udemy course, you can transform your writing skills and stand out as an authority in your field.

Quillbot is an AI-powered writing assistant designed by language experts to help you write better, faster, and more confidently. Using state-of-the-art machine learning, Quillbot analyzes your writing and provides personalized feedback to improve your prose while preserving your unique voice.

In this course, you'll learn pro writing techniques like crafting compelling headlines, structuring informative content, creating engaging stories, and more. You'll get hands-on practice using Quillbot to revise and expand your writing. By the end, you'll have all the tools and strategies you need to write impactful content that people love to read.

Whether you're an aspiring writer, freelancer, student, or professional, this course will make you a stronger, more effective communicator. You'll strengthen your writing muscles, boost your creativity, and build a skill that will benefit you for life. Write like a pro today with the help of Quillbot!

Polish your craft, enhance your credibility, and start producing higher quality work—all with the guidance of an AI writing partner and expert instructor. Enroll now to learn how to write like a pro!

By the end of this course, you will learn:

How to register and login to Quillbot

How to Paraphrase any text

How to automatically correct grammar and spelling mistakes

How to use the co-writer for effective research

How to generate references using the citation generator

How to Translate texts into any language

How to add Quillbot's extension in both Word and Chrome browser

This course is designed for beginners with zero experience in research writing in both academic and non-academic settings.

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Have you ever wished you could write faster and more professionally? With Quillbot AI and this Udemy course, you can transform your writing skills and stand out as an authority in your field.

Quillbot is an AI-powered writing assistant designed by language experts to help you write better, faster, and more confidently. Using state-of-the-art machine learning, Quillbot analyzes your writing and provides personalized feedback to improve your prose while preserving your unique voice.

In this course, you'll learn pro writing techniques like crafting compelling headlines, structuring informative content, creating engaging stories, and more. You'll get hands-on practice using Quillbot to revise and expand your writing. By the end, you'll have all the tools and strategies you need to write impactful content that people love to read.

Whether you're an aspiring writer, freelancer, student, or professional, this course will make you a stronger, more effective communicator. You'll strengthen your writing muscles, boost your creativity, and build a skill that will benefit you for life. Write like a pro today with the help of Quillbot!

Polish your craft, enhance your credibility, and start producing higher quality work—all with the guidance of an AI writing partner and expert instructor. Enroll now to learn how to write like a pro!

By the end of this course, you will learn:

How to register and login to Quillbot

How to Paraphrase any text

How to automatically correct grammar and spelling mistakes

How to use the co-writer for effective research

How to generate references using the citation generator

How to Translate texts into any language

How to add Quillbot's extension in both Word and Chrome browser

This course is designed for beginners with zero experience in research writing in both academic and non-academic settings.